About Time – Movie Recommendation


Starring Racheal McAdams, Domhnall Gleeson, Margot Robbie, Bill Nighy!

Directed by Richard Curtis.

About Time is a wise, heart-warming, feel-good comedy. The movie is subtle, it keeps its viewers on track throughout the movie. Though it is tagged as a romantic comedy, this movie is more than that. The dialogues are engaging and graceful. Protagonists in the movie make it even more heartfelt with their natural performance.

Few scenes from the worth movie watching it over and over again:

  1. Undoubtedly the conversation between the father and son at the end. It is so real and on point.
  2. The scenes involving their marriage made it to the famous movie poster.

And, I won’t be giving out the rest as this recommendation would turn into a spoiler, watch it for yourself and I am sure you will have a great feeling at the end.

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