9 Budget Friendly Tips To Save Money On Grocery Shopping !!

You are dealing with daily expenses and you are left with a small budget. This is the story of almost every household. Reducing expenses is difficult but it’s practically never impossible. Solutions do exist for every problem if one seeks budget busters to control the damage done by expenditures.

Master the art of savings
Here are few effective and simple ways to cut down your expenses.

1) The practice of going through the invoice after each buy
Often going through your invoices, you will realize you could have done without an item or two. We tend to overbuy at times. Certain things that we do not need are in the shopping cart either because we “assume” we might need them or we get too captivated by the acquisitions.2) Every single cent counts
You might find an array of products of the similar price range in the grocery store. Go through the additives and the nutritional chart mentioned in the label. If a bunch of similar brands are offering similar food nutrient, it’s smart to go for the cheaper product. Why shell out extra bucks for the difference that’s next to none. Saving 10 cents to one euro on each purchase amounts to a handsome lot at the end of the month.

3) Downshift brands
There are many substitutes to the alluring packaged items in big shopping malls. Fancy packaging has its own costs. If you can find an organic or home-based brand that is genuine and provides same or extra value to your money then you should certainly ditch the pretty versions of fancy items.

4) Size matters
Shopping in bulk is a good idea for a large family and the price of goods usually is low if you buy at wholesale price but it is certainly not a good idea for just one person. You wouldn’t buy 64 oz Mayonnaise dip to use it just once, you would naturally prefer to go with 30 oz spread. So according to requirements, one needs to understand if the purchase should be in units or in bulk.

5) Resist buying on impulse
Often we go shopping with our friends and end up buying things that feature in “their” buying list. We think we might need those products as well but it is never there in our “to-buy” list. The extra procurement increases the overall cost of the purchase. Buying on impulse results into regrets many times.

6) Maintain a list before visiting the store
Lists. Lists. Lists. Maintaining a list can tone down your approach to buying from – very liberal to medium or thrifty zone. If you have a clear-cut idea of what you need to buy, you save your time (which is equivalent to money) and of course, money. Plan ahead. Maintaining a list according to your diet plans is the best you can do and checking your pantry often to note what item is needed exactly and record items that are redundant, amount to a good practice that minimizes costs.

7) Carry your own shopping bags
Why pay extra for the store shopping totes and bags when you already have a reusable bag in your house with multiple reusable bags neatly folded inside it. Yes, every Asian house has a bag of bags story to offer. This would not only be an initiative to cut down the total food expenses but also would be a very crucial move to reduce the use of plastics. We are responsible to save our environment and planet.

8) Make use of discount coupons
A customer can slash his grocery budget to a substantial amount by finding the best coupons, loyalty cards, deals, and countless freebies. A smart customer should know the main breeds of coupons available and know how and when the companies are offering discounts on items.

9) Be a smart consumer
Know what to buy at a cheaper rate without sacrificing the health quotient. Follow the above eight points. Maximize health. Minimize expenses. Be a smart customer.

Keywords: #Money #Savings #SavingMoney #GroceryShopping #Budget

Image Sources: 
Grocery lists Image – https://bit.ly/2Egh1me
Shopping bag Image – https://bit.ly/2KXiz50
Discount coupon Image – https://bit.ly/2SxbdYE